Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday School Questions

Loosely quoted questions from my 4th and 5th grade Sunday Schoolers today:

1) What do you call people who don't believe in God?

2) Why did Jesus have to be baptized if He was perfect?

3) People say that God is 3 in 1. What does that mean? How can that be?

4) Some people say that Jesus is God's Son, and some people say that He's not. Which one is right?

5) The Bible says that even calling somebody a fool is enough of a sin for the sinner to spend an eternity in Hell. In the Apostle's Creed, it says that we believe Jesus only spent three days in Hell, paying for our sins. So how could He have paid for so many sins if what that Bible says about the "fool" sin is true?

I don't remember thinking about such important things at so young an age. Are the hormones in milk not only speeding up puberty but also the mystical "age of accountability"?

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