Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Monday Night Poem

Fabulous shame—

Bitter taste of words unspoken,

Burning gaze of expectation

Never fulfilled.

Coals of regret singeing my lungs—

With every sizzle, knowing

I didn’t let anyone down.

Rotten peace—

Words set free like doves

To be marked for hunters’ sport and

Shot through with a million jagged metal bits.



Tumbling from the sky.

Set free to die.


Mike Stavlund said...

Are you a stealth National Poetry Month participant? This poem is so amazingly good-- these lines:

Bitter taste of words unspoken,

Burning gaze of expectation

Never fulfilled.

...need to be spoken out loud, and they take my breath away.

I'm torn between calling you to see if I can somehow help bear some of this pain, and knowing that I already am because you've been kind enough and brilliant enough to put it into words. Thanks, sister.

thedeav said...

Aww, shucks... Thanks for your kindness! I was inspired by your NaPoWriMo poems, so I decided to try a few. This was from the oxymoron poem prompt and puts into words how I feel in my grad school class every Monday night... much less dramatic a circumstance than it intimates. I have really enjoyed reading your poetry over the years, so this month is a special treat for me. Thanks for reading mine!