Wednesday, January 17, 2007

bend it like, well, you know

So David Beckham is moving to L.A. And I'm willing to bet significant sums of money that, when he was 22, the thought of a California breeze daily ruffling his perfectly mussed hair was farther from his mind than the thought of a California lifestyle is to a humpback whale. Why star in a Coming to America sequel when you are the god of an entire country? In L.A., the novelty of his accent and his wife's strange fashion will soon wear off, and he will fade into normality, just one of thousands like him.
Why jump for so drastic a change? Why leave so much good behind? Why pursue uncertainty?
Deep beneath all the soccer politics and the draws of LA, I believe that Beckham is moving because of something much more important. I can't pinpoint it yet, but I heard it whispering in my ear this morning as my homeroom furiously scribbled their 3 quarter prompts. I'm halfway through this first year of teaching, supposedly changing lives, and I'm wondering if this is it. "Little c" calling, destiny, life goal . . . approaching is more than a trade or new contract with a 1874909837 million pound signing bonus. It's LA that I see up ahead. And the new contract might be a better move. What helped Beckham figure it out? That's what I want to know.

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